The Best Advice for New Business Owners Struggling with Burnout, An Expert Roundup

Burnout can be a major problem for new business owners, as they face the daunting task of establishing a successful enterprise in an increasingly competitive environment. Unfortunately, burnout can have serious repercussions that can derail even the most promising startups. Not only does burnout put an undue strain on their physical and mental health, but it can also lead to decreased productivity, lack of focus and motivation, and issues with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Furthermore, burnout has been linked to employee turnover and lowered morale among team members.

Because the effects of burnout are far-reaching and go beyond just the individual business owner, it’s essential for new business owners to understand how to recognize signs of burnout before it takes hold and develop strategies to prevent or combat burnout when necessary.

But how?

In this roundup, we asked this single question of top mental health professionals:

“What’s one thing you’d tell a new business owner who’s struggling with burnout?”

Learn Field-Adjacent Skills
“What’s helped me the most with burn out is learning new skills within or adjacent to my field. Also, taking time off to travel, as well as getting regular massages/acupuncture and/or taking an extra day off here and there can really help maintain longevity.”
Stacey Levno CHT, CMT, Dancing Reeds Healing

Prioritize Self-Care
“Focus on self-care to nourish and rejuvenate yourself. Also focus on self-awareness. See what the driving force of your burnout is, such as working too hard or taking on too many challenges. Often you may be trying to meet a need, but you’re actually moving in the opposite direction. Or you have an unconscious belief about yourself and what you’re supposed to do to be worthy, valued, loved, deserving, etc. Tapping into what you could be will help you stop the cycle you find yourself in.” 
Heather Dempsey, Therapeutic Coach

Want to weigh in, too? Great, we’d love to hear from you!

“What’s one thing you’d tell a new business owner who’s struggling with burnout?”

Contact us today with your answer to this question!